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Lab 9: Emulating Instructions

Useful links:

Problem 1: Design Problem: Adding LDB/STB in software

See the instructions below. Use the Bsim instance below to enter your code.

{ "required_tests": ["-369169648"], "initial_state": { "beta.uasm": "url:../beta.json", "checkoff.uasm": "url:../lab9_illop/checkoff.json" }, "state":{ "LDB_STB":".include \u0022beta.uasm\u0022\n.include \u0022checkoff.uasm\u0022\n\nUI:\n ... your assembly language code here ...\n" } }


The goal of this lab is to add support for two new instructions to the Beta. But instead of adding hardware, weʼll support the instructions in software (!) by writing the appropriate emulation code in the handler for "illegal instruction" exceptions.

The new instructions implement load and store operations for byte (8-bit) data:

Usage:LDB(Ra, literal, Rc)
PC <= PC+4
EA <= Reg[Ra] + SEXT(literal)
MDATA <= Mem[EA]
Reg[Rc]7:0 <= if EA1:0 = 0b00 then MDATA7:0
              else if EA1:0 = 0b01 then MDATA15:8
              else if EA1:0 = 0b10 then MDATA23:16
              else if EA1:0 = 0b11 then MDATA31:24
Reg[Rc]31:8 <= 0x000000
The effective address EA is computed by adding the contents of register Ra to the sign-extended 16-bit displacement literal. The byte location in memory specified by EA is read into the low-order 8 bits of register Rc; bits 31:8 of Rc are cleared.
Usage:STB(Rc, literal, Ra)
PC <= PC+4
EA <= Reg[Ra] + SEXT(literal)
MDATA <= Mem[EA]
if EA1:0 = 0b00 then MDATA7:0 <= Reg[Rc]7:0
if EA1:0 = 0b01 then MDATA15:8 <= Reg[Rc]7:0
if EA1:0 = 0b10 then MDATA23:16 <= Reg[Rc]7:0
if EA1:0 = 0b11 then MDATA31:24 <= Reg[Rc]7:0
Mem[EA] <= MDATA
The effective address EA is computed by adding the contents of register Ra to the sign-extended 16-bit displacement literal. The low-order 8-bits of register Rc are written into the byte location in memory specified by EA. The other bytes of the memory word remain unchanged.

When the Beta hardware, which doesnʼt know about these instructions, detects either of the two opcodes above, it will cause an "illegal instruction" exception (see section 6.4 of the Beta documentation) and set the PC to 4.

The checkoff code has loaded location 4 with BR(UI) that branches to an assembly language routine labeled UI which handles illegal instructions -- this is the routine that you need to write. It should do the following:

  1. Determine if the opcode for the illegal instruction is for LDB or STB. The address of the instruction after the illegal instruction has been loaded into register XP by the hardware (i.e., the illegal instruction is at memory address Reg[XP]-4).
  2. If the illegal instruction is not LDB or STB, your routine should branch to the label _IllegalInstruction -- note the leading underscore. Before branching, the contents of all the registers should be the same as they were when your routine was entered. So you should save and restore any registers you use in Step 1.
  3. If the illegal instruction is LDB or STB, your routine should perform the appropriate memory and register accesses to emulate the operation of these instructions. Your routine will have to decode the instruction at Reg[XP]-4 to determine what registers and memory locations to use.

    Note:For this assignment, assume that kernel-mode MMU context and the user-mode MMU context are the same, i.e., that the kernel can access user-mode virtual addresses without first having to perform a virtual-to-physical address translation. So LD and ST instructions in your emulation code that access user-mode memory can simply use the addresses derived from the contents of user-mode registers.

  4. When your emulation is complete, return control to the interrupted program at the instruction following the LDB or STB. The contents of all the registers should be the same as they were when your routine was entered, except for the register changed by LDB. So you need to save and restore any registers you use in steps 1 and 3.

To test your code, weʼll be using the BSim Beta simulator. In order to interface properly with the checkoff code, your assembly language program should follow the template below:

.include "beta.uasm"
        .include "checkoff.uasm"

        ... your assembly language code here ...

checkoff.uasm contains the checkoff code for this lab. When execution begins, it does the appropriate initialization (setting SP to point to an area of memory used for the stack, etc.) and then executes a small test program that includes LDB and STB instructions that test your emulation routine. The program will type out messages as it executes, reporting any errors it detects. When it types "Checkoff tests completed successfully!", youʼll receive credit for completing this problem.

To help you get started hereʼs an example illegal instruction handler that emulates a new instruction swapreg(RA,RC) which interchanges the values in registers RA and RC. This example utilizes some useful macros (defined in beta.uasm) for saving/restoring registers and extracting bit fields from a 32-bit word.

.include "beta.uasm"

        // Handler for opcode 1 extension:
        // swapreg(RA,RC) swaps the contents of the two named registers.
        // UASM defn = .macro swapreg(RA,RC) betaopc(0x01,RA,0,RC)

        RESERVE(32)                // Array used to store register contents

        LD(xp,-4,r0)               // fetch the illegal instruction
        extract_field(r0,31,26,r1) // extract opcode, bits 31:26
        CMPEQC(r1,0x1,r2)          // OPCODE=1?
        BT(r2, swapreg)            // yes, handle the swapreg instruction.

        LD(r31,regs,r0)            // Its something else.  Restore regs
        LD(r31,regs+4,r1)          // we've used, and go to the system's
        LD(r31,regs+8,r2)          // Illegal Instruction handler.

        extract_field(r0,25,21,r1)  // extract rc field from trapped instruction
        MULC(r1, 4, r1)             // convert to byte offset into regs array
        extract_field(r0,20,16,r2)  // extract ra field from trapped instruction
        MULC(r2, 4, r2)             // convert to byte offset into regs array
        LD(r1, regs, r3)            // r3 <- regs[rc]
        LD(r2, regs, r4)            // r4 <- regs[ra]
        ST(r4, regs, r1)            // regs[rc] <- old regs[ra]
        ST(r3, regs, r2)            // regs[ra] <- old regs[rc]

        // code to handle an actual illegal instruction goes here...
        // for this lab this code is supplied by checkoff.uasm